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About Us

Lindsay Patterson and Beth Mobilian Authentic Living

Lindsay Patterson and Beth Mobilian are Personal and Professional Coaches and the creators and facilitators of Authentic Living. Known for catalyzing people into greater joy, love and authenticity, together they co-lead workshops, trainings and programs to help people transform themselves from the inside out and live more fulfilling lives. 


Authentic Living began as a spark of an idea in Beth's living room in 2010 and has since grown into a thriving program, with graduates from around the country. Designed to support women in claiming who they really are and what they really want, the program offers women a potent and life-changing 

combination of transformative tools, powerful coaching and extraordinary sisterhood. 


Both women live and work in the Roaring Fork Valley in Colorado and hold a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica.  


Learn more about Authentic Living

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