It's time to listen to what your soul is asking
you to do with this one life of yours
Claim a bigger vision for your life, break free from blocks that are keeping you stuck, and discover a new way of being that could change everything - your relationships, your finances, your health,
your peace, your joy.
Join us on a journey into yourself and learn how to finally have the life you've been waiting for and step into the woman you most want to be.

Aspen, Colorado
Does this sound like you?
Your life is the way you imagined it would be and aligned with the deepest desires of your heart.
You're clear on your purpose and living a life of meaning and fulfillment
You have the kind of relationships you want and the love, connection and intimacy you crave.
You've let go of guilt, shame and feeling like you're not measuring up to some impossible standard - as a leader, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend - and now feel confident and a deep sense of enoughness just as you are.
You relate to yourself and others with kindness and compassion and have retired negativity, judgement, anger, blame and resentment.
You know your value and worth and have given up people-pleasing, over-giving, overachieving, perfectionism and seeking other forms of outside validation.
You've found the courage and confidence to stay true to yourself and live a life that feels authentically yours.
If you answered 'no' to any of these, then we invite you to join us to discover what is truly possible for you and your life!
Ready to journey back to yourself and create the life you've always desired?
You are a woman who knows there is something more.
You can feel inside your bones that there is a better way.
Even if you can't imagine it or can't see the path, you have this undeniable feeling deep inside your being that it's time to step into a life beyond the one you're living; time to shift your way of being and embody more love, more peace, more presence, more aliveness, more joy.
How do we know?
Because you're here.
You're ready to get the tools and support you need to reclaim a life that feels like yours - a life that lights you up and is a reflection of what you love, what you value and who you truly are.
And we're so glad you're here - you're in exactly the right place. . .

We know what it's like to look as though you have the perfect life on the outside, but on the inside feel like there's a void - that something isn't "right" and needs to change.
Or maybe things are good, but you want more than good - you want glorious and to be as bright and bold and beautiful as you can possibly be in this lifetime.
You're not alone.
We get it.
We've been right where you are.
And we know the path towards freedom and stepping into the woman and life you long for, because we've walked it ourselves and have helped thousands of women on their journey, too.
We know the tools that create real transformation, because they are the tools that helped us breakthrough the blocks that were holding us back and align our lives with our deepest desires and intentions.
And they are the tools that have changed the lives of the thousands of women we have supported over the years.
When a woman stops denying her desires, do you know what happens?
She stops feeling stuck.
She stops feeling. . .
She stops asking herself. . .
"Is this all there is?"
"Can I really have the love I want?"
"Is it possible to truly love myself and my life?"
"When is it my turn?"
Sister, it's your turn - but you have to be willing to choose it and take the first step.
This is an invitation to stop putting off your dreams and say yes to YOU
We've created this full-day event to support women like you who know it's time to make a change and are willing to dare to believe you can have what you truly want and be the woman you know you were born to be.
During this powerful 1-day event, you will:
Get clear on a bigger, inspiring vision for your life and create an action plan to bring it into reality.
Identify old patterns and inner obstacles that are blocking you from experiencing what you want and learn how to overcome them.
Discover the secret to building more loving, connected and fulfilling relationships.
Create a more loving and compassionate relationship with yourself.
Learn how to shift your perception so that you can see new and different possibilities and tap into a more courageous, authentic, peaceful and open-hearted way of being in the world.
Open up to a level of self-worth you've never known or experienced.
Learn what it means to live within a spiritual context and expand into a new, life-changing paradigm.
Connect with a group of like-minded women who will support, encourage, and inspire you to go higher and further than you could on your own.

"The choices we make today create our tomorrow."
Sisterhood is the secret sauce to being the biggest, brightest version of you
After 13 years of doing transformational work both one-to-one and in groups, we know one thing to be true:
Women thrive in community.
It's very difficult to know what you want, believe you can have it, take courageous action towards it, and overcome the obstacles that naturally arise along the way - isolated and alone.
But, if you give yourself the gift of being surrounded by other women who believe in you and believe you can have what you want and support and encourage you in going for it, a new world opens up. What once seemed impossible becomes possible.

Sisterhood is a game-changer.
It's what allows you to create powerful changes in your life.
And that's why we created this full-day event - to give you a
a nurturing, empowering community that will support you in fulfilling your desires more easily and gracefully.
Join us for a day of life-changing tools, powerful coaching and extraordinary sisterhood - and bring your vision to life
You're invited to join us for a day of transformation, where you will get the tools, support, mentorship, and heart-to-heart sisterhood you need to up level your consciousness and your life.
You'll learn, grow and expand into your true potential - while creating life-long friendships and having tons of fun along the way!
~ Agenda ~
Connect to an incredible community
Clarify a vision for your life that excites you
Learn how to breakthrough the barriers that have limited you from experiencing what's truly possible for yourself, your relationships and every area of your life
10:00 am - 5:30 pm

Investing in yourself is the greatest investment you will ever make - it will not only take you higher, but it will take everyone in your world higher, too.
Are you ready to make a small investment in yourself
that could come back to you a million times over?
Then say YES to joining us for a weekend that will allow you to soar!
They are incredible
"Lindsay and Beth are incredible. They are a dynamic duo and two powerhouse women who know what they are doing. They have done the work and they understand where you are and can gently guide you to find the clarity, peace, love and joy that you want in your life."
I reclaimed my worth and confidence
"It was intimidating to return to the workforce after being a stay-at-home mom for 13 years. But, Authentic Living set me up to succeed. I got a great job with a great company, great pay and a great location. I think so much of it was knowing my worth. I walked into interviews with confidence, knowing who I was and what I had to offer."

I feel more alive
"I wanted to get back to my best self and rediscover who I was. The program gave me the time and space to think about what I wanted, rather than pushing it away thinking I'll get to it later or making excuses. I feel more alive and not tied down by fear and anxiety anymore."
Imagine being fully seen, celebrated, supported, and encouraged during a life-transforming day

Hi, we're Lindsay and Beth!
For the past 16 years we've had the honor and privilege of supporting thousands of women - just like you - in transforming their lives from the inside out and waking up to their irrefutable beauty, worth, and power.
Since the launch of our signature 6-month program, Authentic Living 7 years ago, women have been asking for an affordable and accessible way to work with us. That's why we created Authentic Living Jumpstart.
During this event you will be inspired and nurtured by the support of sisterhood, community and connection and get the tools and coaching you need to go for it - whatever it is for you. And you will learn the secret to alchemizing obstacles into stepping stones to get you closer to what you desire.
If you're called - if you're curious - join us for Authentic Living Jumpstart.. Let us show you how to step outside the boundaries that are keeping you small, stand in your radiance and claim the life you're called to live.
This event is right for you if you're ready to ...
Break free from a life that feels too small for you and step into a bigger vision that's aligned with the calling of your heart.
Create a MAP (Miraculous Action Plan) for bringing forward your vision.
Release inner blocks and unconscious patterns that are preventing you from achieving what you desire and robbing you of the love, peace, joy and aliveness you deserve.
Elevate your mindset and get the skills, strategies and tools you need to make the changes you most long for in your life.
Own your inherent worth and step into a greater sense of confidence and acceptance of yourself - just as you are.
Have loving and fulfilling relationships.
Belong to an empowered, conscious sisterhood and receive the gift of community, connection and love.
Live a life that feels authentic and true to who you are
Building a life you love and stepping into the truth of who you are is the most worthy, fulfilling and rewarding journey you will ever take.
That's why we'd love for you to join us for Authentic Living Jumpstart.
Take the leap and let us help you up-level your life in ways you may not even be able to imagine.

"It was so refreshing to meet women who wanted to be real and engage on a very deep and authentic level. I now have a group of women in my life where there's no pretense, no pretending - we love and accept each other in our vulnerability and honesty."

"In the beginning I was scared and not really open to an experience like this, but from the minute I stepped into the circle with Beth and Lindsay I felt so safe and nurtured. I felt held every step of the way."